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Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim, Feng Shui Grand Master and Doctor of Acupuncture, is constantly researching on the field of awareness, healing, and energy. In doing so, he is permanently searching for new energetic developments. He passionately converts his insights into products of high frequency vibration. His goal is hereby to help people to positively charge themselves and their personal environment, in order to be more resistant to disease, stress, and environmental influences.

We are not liable for any of the contents or links of the listed partner companies.

TAO coasters "Love and Long Life" activated with Shen-Ion HarmoNIK®

These coasters are practical, attractive and effective!

The beautiful, individually designed Ginkgo leaf with the Chinese character for "love" stands for longevity, natural rejuvenation and all-encompassing love.

The cheerful, intense colours also lend a special vibrancy and are extremely eye-catching.

In addition, all the coasters have been activated with Shen-Ion HarmoNIK® energy, developed by grand master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim.

The coasters are available in 9 brightly-coloured designs: red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, violet, white and rainbow.

Coasters should be wiped clean using a damp cloth; they must not be put in a dishwasher or submerged in water.

(Size approx. 10 cm x 10 cm; material: hardboard with printed plastic surface)

BJ Vital Energi HarmoNik GmbH
Item number: US-046-colour
Recommended retail price per unit € 14,80

Order online: www.tommys-vital-shop.com

TAO Window Card activated with Shen-Ion HarmoNIK®


With many buildings, houses and offices the windows are situated directly opposite the entry doorway, which results in the incoming Qi flowing immediately out of the building again. There are also frequent "energy attacks", e.g. due to a tree, building, mobile phone mast, satellite dish, etc. For these situations, Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim has developed the new, strengthened TAO window card, which can easily be affixed to the window ledge or windowpane.

A symbol of harmony for especially strong, loving protection. In addition, all cards have been activated with Shen-Ion HarmoNIK® energy, developed by grand master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim.

(Size approx. 5 cm x 6 cm; material: aluminium; symbol in blue or grey)
BJ Vital Energi HarmoNik GmbH
Item number: FE-01266-colour
Recommended retail price per unit € 38,00

Order online: www.tommys-vital-shop.com

TAO protection card "Floor" and TAO protection card "Ceiling"

Grand master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim has suggested for some time that the earth and environment energies have become much stronger. He has therefore developed new protection cards that are adapted to these strong energies and that have supplementary harmonising effects!

Please note: the existence of water lines and earth rays and their influence on health have not been scientifically proven as yet.

Floor card with rainbow arch: this brightly-coloured and powerful card acts to reduce and harmonise negative radiation and frequencies emanating from the earth, e.g. due to water lines, earth faults, etc. This energy card can easily be placed under a bed, sofa or desk pedestal and should also be an essential addition to holiday luggage.

Ceiling card in pastel hues: this stunning, pastel-coloured card acts to reduce and harmonise the negative radiation and frequencies that come from above or permeate through the walls. This energy card can easily be placed above a bed, sofa or desk. In certain circumstances, it can also be worth simply hanging the card on a wall in order to harmonise the energies flowing through it.

(Size approx. 27 cm x 27 cm; material: laminated paper)

BJ Vital Energi HarmoNik GmbH
Item number: BK-06688 (Floor) and DK-06686 (Ceiling)
Recommended retail price per unit € 58,00

Order online: www.tommys-vital-shop.com

TAO protection card "FU & Love" activated with Shen-Ion HarmoNIK®

Dr. Lim recommends always carrying one of these cards on your person, e.g. in a trouser or coat pocket. The green side should face outwards and the Fu protection with the head should face upwards, as per the illustration. You can, however, also use the FU card anywhere else where you want to increase the level of protection, or where you want to purify or keep out disruptive energies – for example, in the car, on doors, in cellar areas, etc.

Double-sided aluminium protection and harmonisation card:
The symbol on the green side is one of the strongest protective symbols known, the so-called "protection from 100 adversities"! This refers in particular to lower energies and negative spiritual beings!

On the yellow side of the card there is the Taoist symbol for all-encompassing love, which is credited with having extremely beneficial effects on all matters of the heart.

The combination of these two symbols and the strong, supportive colours is eminently powerful. In addition, these cards have been activated with Shen-Ion HarmoNIK® energy, developed by grand master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim.

(Size approx. 8,5 cm x 5 cm; material: aluminium)

BJ Vital Energi HarmoNik GmbH
Item number: FU-01533
Recommended retail price per unit € 58,00

Order online: www.tommys-vital-shop.com

TTAO 6-piece sticker set "Love, Harmony & Protection" activated with Shen-Ion HarmoNIK®

Just follow your intuition and use the stickers on pet bowls, pillboxes, storage containers, document files, school books, telephones, mobiles, computers, etc.

Symbol 1: The Taoist symbol for love can set a lot in motion. In particular, it is credited with having extremely beneficial effects on all matters of the heart.

Symbol 2: The combination of the harmony symbol with the characters drawn by Dr. Lim encourages balance and represents strong, loving protection.

Symbol 3: One of the strongest protection symbols we know, the "protection against 100 adversities"! This refers in particular to lower energies and negative spiritual beings.

(Set of 6 assorted stickers; format of each sticker approx. 3,5 cm x 3,5 cm; material: aluminium)

BJ Vital Energi HarmoNik GmbH
Item number: AK-01680
Recommended retail price per set € 60,00

Order online: www.tommys-vital-shop.com


Dr. Lim's energy jewellery activated with Shen-Ion HarmoNIK®

We can offer you a variety of beautiful jewellery pendants with special symbols in solid silver, rhodium-plated silver, silver gilt and, on request, also in solid yellow or white gold. All jewellery items are produced by an experienced goldsmith in Germany using a complex casting process and are then finished by hand. In addition, all pendants have been activated with Shen-Ion HarmoNIK® energy, developed by grand master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim.

BJ Vital Energi HarmoNik GmbH
Item number: various
Recommended retail price up from € 138,00

Order online: www.tommys-vital-shop.com

Love & harmony for your home: heart point plate activated with Shen-Ion HarmoNIK®

Grand master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim: "Every property, every building, every house, every shop, every office has a heart point that influences your life!"

With this beautifully finished plate, Dr. Lim has developed a wonderful aid to shape this particular area with positive energy. This plate is ideally suited for the home, but also for commercial properties, offices, hotels, hospitals, etc.

(Diameter approx. 26 cm; material: aluminium)

BJ Vital Energi HarmoNik GmbH (produced by Vital-Energi Technologies GmbH)
Item number: HP-01366
Recommended retail price € 598,00

Order online: www.tommys-vital-shop.com


Grand-Master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim - Your personal Feng Shui for home and travel!


It has never been that easy: Qi-Mag Feng Shui with an integrated compass! Now available as App in the Apple iTunes-Store.


appGrand-Master Dr. Jes Lim has the unique ability to combine ancient taoistic knowledge with the new technological age and the western culture. In the application "Grand-Master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim - Your personal Feng Shui for home and travel!" for the iPhone 3GS, Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim gives a quick, detailed overview of the ancient knowledge, translated into nowadays life, and gives you the opportunity to practise its essence in an incredibly simple way.

You receive a lot of information on general important "Feng Shui Knowledge":

  • The eight fields of analysis
  • Yin and Yang factors in Feng Shui, concerning the human being
  • The landscape formations of the four animals
  • The principle of the five elements
  • The meaning of the four cardinal directions
  • The twelve Chinese animals
  • The heart-point.

…and in addition you receive personal calculations and views:

  • Enter your date of birth and your sex, and use the three configurable profiles which are able to be transcribed and reused at any time, as often as you wish.
  • You immediately receive your personal Trigramm, the animal sign and element of your year of birth and the according meaning.
  • Draw or photograph the ground plan of your flat or house, and locate the centre or heart-point individually, if you wish.
  • Does your home have a missing space? Then you also receive special advice.
  • Locate the front door of your flat/house and bring the ground plan into line with it, using the integrated compass. All at the push of a button! It is also possible to enter an angle measurement!
  • Automatically you will see the eight directions in your ground plan and receive detailed information on it's meaning. This way, you can arrange and design your living space to the energetic optimum, using the right colours, shapes, and materials, enhancing the flow of energy.
  • Additionally, you will find out whether you belong to the eastern or western group, and what meaning this has for you.
  • On another image of your personal ground plan you will see which areas in your flat/house are particularly good and beneficial for you to spend your time in.
  • As a special highlight, you can use this application to have a fluent all-round view, in order to learn about the effect of the 24 direction energies on your well-being, which then allows you to choose your personal best view and sleeping direction! Once this modus is set up for you, it shows the energies of the directions (referred to as A or D areas by Dr. Lim), giving detailed information and hints for any individual area, including your workspace, a random restaurant or the place of your travels. Simply pick the set up accordingly. Place the iPhone on the table and slowly rotate it. This way, you always will know where your personal power-directions are, no matter where you are!

In addition, you will receive useful hints how to maintain and enhance your well-being and health by finding the ideal position for your sleeping area.

This application is using the compass of the iPhone 3GS and can therefore only be used for the model 3GS. It is not possible to use this application on older models, such as the iPhone 2G and 3G.


The iPhone Application "Grand-Master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim - Your personal Feng Shui for home and travel!" is available in the following languages:
German, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese.


Download price: 9,99 Euro

We would like to introduce some companies to you with which we cooperate and which, in our opinion, offer recommendable products. This is a list of ads.

We are not liable for any of the contents or mentioned links.

Gudrun Sjödén

Aromata International GmbH
Natural fragrancing design, Natural AROMATAO open-plan scenting

Vielharmonie GmbH
Feng Shui for health, luck, and success

Feng Shui Grand Master and Health expert Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim emphasizes the importance of supporting and anchoring one's personal energetic work with high frequence objects. Often minerals and semi-precious stones are used for this. Dr. Lim also keeps recommending high quality dietary supplements in his seminars. In the future they will be listed here, showing their source of supply. This is a platform on which we offer the opportunity to third-parties to introduce their products that are approved by Dr. Lim.

However, we are not liable for any of the contents or mentioned links.


Here you currently can find the following products:

To enlarge a picture, please click on it.


The Indian tribes already believed in the fortune that comes along with this prescious fossil. According to Dr. Lim, these mother-of-pearl-covered spirals carry the ancestral vibration of mother earth.

For more information: info@vitalliving.de

Crystal ball

This magical ball, made of renaturalized quartz, can be applied anywhere in Feng Shui, where special activations are to be done. According to Dr. Lim, quartz is the ideal medium to preserve information.

For more information: info@vitalliving.de

Crystal singing bowl

With the wonderful vibrations of this singing bowl, made of pure quartz, you can profoundly support your energetic work. Dr. Lim appreciates this pure sound for his energy work.

For more information: info@vitalliving.de

Garnet stone

It is the blood of the earth. According to Feng Shui, its tender and loving energy is particularly suitable for a powerful activation of the so-called heart spot. However, garnet can also strengthen the heart when worn as jewelry.

For more information: chumba_la@yahoo.com


According to Dr. Lim, this prescious gemstone from Eifel region is one of the twelve stones of the new age. It activates the crown chakra.

For more information: info@vitalliving.de

Heartpoint Table

With the help of the heartpoint table you will be able to powerfully activate the heart point of a building. You can get it in various types of wood. It is made of moon phase wood. For every table a tree will be planted.

For more information: adamfengshui@hotmail.com

Kyanite stone

Up to this day, Kyanite stones and chains are used in India to balance one's chakras. Dr. Lim recommends to balance yourself with their energy on a regular basis. He sweetly calls them chakra-light stones...

For more information: chumba_lama@yahoo.com


This unique tourmaline was only found in one special mine in Brazil. His energy is strongly right-turning and can, according to Dr. Lim, be used for healing or energy enhancement.

For more information: info@vitalliving.de

Rainbow cards

With this card you can charge your environment with the positive energy of harmony, love, and wealth. It has been developed by Dr. Lim.

For more information: info@vitalliving.de


The wonderful combination of the energies of the red, blue, and yellow tiger-eye can particularly strenghten and protect us. Dr. Lim recommends to wear such a chain, in order to support yourself.

For more information: chumba_lama@yahoo.com

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