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Was hat Feng Shui mit Ihrer Gesundheit und einem glücklichen Leben zu tun? Die moderne Quantenphysik bestätigt mehr und mehr das uralte Konzept der Weisen Chinas und Indiens, dass unsere Umwelt sich abhängig von unserem Bewusstsein verändert. Gemäß des alten physikalischen Gesetzes, dass Energie nie verschwindet, sondern nur ihre Form ändert, bilden sich im leeren Raum Teilchen und Mater ie, sobald durch Gedanken Energie entsteht. Auch Zellbiologen belegen zunehmend, wie Umgebung und feinstoffliche Energien einen unmittelbaren Einfluss auf unser e Zellen haben können - und somit auf unsere Gesundheit.

Langlebigkeit als Ziel 

Da im Taoismus die Langlebigkeit als eine der höchsten Prioritäten gilt, wurden im alten China diese Zusammenhänge schon vor 5.000 Jahren erspürt und erforscht. Um dieses anspruchsvolle Ziel zu erreichen wurden Einfluss und Auswirkung der Umgebung, aller Aktivitäten und Energien auf den Menschen intensiv beobachtet und die Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen vom Meister an seine Schüler weitergegeben. Daraus haben sich verschiedene höchst effektive Wissenschaften entwickelt wie die bekannte Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin (TCM), die als höchstes Ziel nicht die Heilung, sondern die Gesunderhaltung der Menschen sieht – und, schon früh daraus abgeleitet, die Erkenntnisse des Feng Shui für die Betrachtung der Raumebene. Denn es liegt eine sehr wichtige Erkenntnis darin, dass der größere Körper immer Einfluss auf den kleineren Körper nimmt und sich daher körperliche und psychische Beschwerden sehr oft am Haus erkennen und in Ordnung gebracht werden können.

Wahrnehmung von Energien

Der chinesische Feng Shui-Großmeister und Gesundheitsexperte Dr. Jes T.Y Lim gilt seit Jahrzehnten als anerkannter Experte auf diesem Gebiet. Eine seiner besonderen Stärken liegt in der metaphysischen Wahrnehmung von Energien und der Weitergabe dieses Wissens und Könnens an seine Studenten.

Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim freut sich sehr Ihnen an diesem besonderen Abend einen informativen und lebendigen Einblick in das Zusammenwirken zwischen Energien, Wohnsituation, Ihrer Gesundheit und Lebensfreude vermitteln zu können. Lassen Sie sich überraschen und inspirieren, wie einfach es ist, Ihr Zuhause und alle Bereiche Ihres Lebens aus einer Perspektive der Harmonie, des Erfolgs und der Freude zu betrachten! Dr. Lim referiert in englischer Sprache. Sein Vortrag wird von seiner langjährigen Dolmetscherin Daniela Schenker ins Deutsche übersetzt. Im Anschluss an den Vortrag ist Zeit für Fragen.

Die Abendvorträge beginnen um ca. 19.30 Uhr.

berater1Become a Qi-Mag Feng Shui consultant according to the approved methods of the renowned Feng Shui Grand Master and health expert Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim! This course follows the Qi-Mag Institute's international curriculum, comprising the proved and tested theories and methods of the most important classical Feng Shui schools. The training includes two course modules of eight days each.

During the consultant training 1 Dr. Lim will go intensely into the Eight Life areas as well as the East-West System. In the process you will also get to know the importance of landscape in Feng Shui and learn how to interpret it. In his role as Grand Master, Dr. Lim will initiate you soundly into a deep understanding of energetic interrelations during which your awareness of unknown and invisible energy fields will be sharpened. It is extremely important for Dr. Lim, in our modern days to not solely use the principles of traditional Feng Shui – originating from a time when there was no such thing as radiation exposure or when the magnetic fields were not as dense as they are today. Thus he will also address in detail the topic of how one can effectively protect ones environment from modern radiation and contamination and how to put the energies straight again.

In the western world we are also confronted with the challenge that our buildings are hardly ever constructed according to Feng Shui principles; and even if we wanted to follow them, sometimes the strict requirements of our building authorities pose a hindrance. Since decades Dr. Lim has been gathering experience and knows many valuable tricks and ways how to iseffectively use the Feng Shui principles in already existing buildings – and this without doing mere Feng Shui cosmetic or having to tear the whole house down. This fantastic knowledge and wisdom is what Dr. Lim will convey in the first module of the consultant course.

A further emphasis of consultant training 1 is laid on finding out the historical energies belonging to a building or piece of land. Because our earth is vibrating in an ever-higher frequency, more and more unknown and dormant parts are released, not only in ourselves but also in the earth. Every square meter of Europe has experienced much history and often our earth was drenched in blood. These ancient energies need to be liberated with love and thankfulness, thus enabling the new inhabitants to enjoy their good Feng Shui without turbulences. In a caring way Jes Lim makes the trainees more sensitive to these circumstances and demonstrates the options to transform possible energetic burdens. 

Course contents are among others:

  • In-depth teachings on the harmony of Yin & Yang
  • The principles of Qi flow and optimal oxygen level in rooms and buildings
  • Initiation into the energetic principles of roofs, rooms, buildings, and plots of land and according measures
  • How different forms/structures of buildings effect our health and performance
  • Conveyance of the doctrines of symbols and colours and their energetic effect
  • Theory and practice of Feng Shui according to the Seven Levels in our surroundings
  • Positive and negative shapes of land and according interpretations
  • Positioning a house and the use of the East-West System
  • Finding the heart centre of a house
  • Details on the Eight-Life areas and their deeper meaning
  • Immersion in the Five-Elements doctrines and according remedies
  • Explanations on the Nine Mingtangs for great wealth
  • Clever arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui
  • Identifying geopathic stress zones and their energetic characteristics 
  • How to avoid electric and electromagnetic stress zones
  • Plants which affect our health
  • Grand Master's secrets on how to enhance the inhabitant’s happiness and wealth

This course is an intense training programme conveying knowledge on many levels; it contains ancient wisdom of the basic energetic principles of buildings and plots of land with which Feng Shui consultations can be given in a conscientious and effective way. The training to become a Feng Shui consultant can be a meaningful enhancement of your existing profession or a complete new start. The knowledge around Feng Shui opens doors where there were no doors before.

In the evenings you have the opportunity to participate in optional group work - using your freshly won knowledge on your own house plans. In the mornings there is time to ask any resulting questions. During breaks Jes Lim is available for your personal questions. Dr. Lim teaches in English with German translation. The course takes place from 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m., each with a 30 minutes coffee break. The evenings are reserved for optional group work.


You will receive the certificate as a qualified Qi-Mag Feng Shui consultant after completing the 16-day intensive training including Qi-Mag Feng Shui Consultant course 2 and a short exam carried out by Grand Master Dr. Lim.

20 years of Qi-Mag: A great reason to celebrate!

20 years ago Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim had a vision: to found an institution with the aim to gather and convey all the world's alternative knowledge and methods on how to maintain humanities health which would help to create new awareness on healing and health for both humans and animals. To bring his vision into reality he founded the Qi-Mag Institute in Sri Lanka.

Since then much has been accomplished: Over 30.000 students have participated in his seminars, more than 2.000 Qi-Mag Feng Shui Consultants, Tao Geomancy Masters und Soma Therapists have been personally trained by Dr. Jes Lim. It’s almost unbelievable when you gross up the total amount of people who have been helped by these highly qualified consultants and therapists! This is certainly a good reason to be proud of all that has been achieved together.

So much has been put into motion. Every Qi-Mag Consultant can tell personal and often incredible stories about how the encounter with Jes Lim changed his or her life – and often also the lives of  people the consultants helped afterwards. Because the personal well-being of his students has always been close to his heart, Dr. Lim was always giving information on energetic changes and upcoming occurrences, e.g. the energetic upheavals after 2008. Numerous close friendships and important encounters have been shared and enjoyed by all students. At times it is unbelievable how many years we have travelled this path together and how much joy and fun we always have whenever we meet at seminars.

The Qi-Mag Institute has developed step by step. It was always Dr. Lim's concern to provide his students with the best possible training and to share the highest knowledge he could find. Thus it was a wonderful recognition of his personal vision and achievement that during the handover of his honorary membership of the European Feng Shui and Geomancy Organization (EFGB) his Master class asked him to at last take on the honorary title of Grand Master. This title in turn has positive repercussions for his qualified consultants and therapists.

20 Years Qi-Mag. It is really high time to duly celebrate all that has been achieved and experienced together!

We plan an unforgettable weekend for all interested Qi-Mag Consultants, Tao Geomancy Masters, Soma Therapists, and their families and close friends. There will be a small retrospection on past times, a look into the future, enlightening activities and a party at which we can joyfully celebrate success from the depth of our heart!

Listen attentively to the Waterdragon and find the Green Dragon in your surrounding. The Waterdragon course is considered to be one of the top disciplines in advanced Feng Shui. Here we deal with great and incredibly strong natural forces. Grand Master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim has reviewed and updated all the extraordinary wisdom of the classical texts and old manuscripts, thus giving us a unique opportunity to understand and use this ancient knowledge of landscape Feng Shui.

In the process many detailed questions will be asked on the exact form and circumstances of a landscape, e.g.:

  • How do you know, if a mountain is auspicious?
  • According to its form: Which element can the mountain or hill be attributed to?
  • Where should you build your house on a mountain or hill and which areas should not be harmed?
  • Which different mountain forms or structures enhance wealth and popularity?

Waterdragons are exciting beings. You learn to examine their attributed element, their form and course, thus learning how to use them in a beneficial way. You learn how to mentally and spiritually communicate with the water spirit. With the help of the compass you can do incredible fine-tuning, because it is possible to elicit further advantageous vibrations from the water via the cardinal points which are guided to the house and are fitting to the House Trigram. In some cases it is even possible to guide the wastewater around certain points.

An especially important topic is the use of fountains inside and outside the house - with the help of which we can purposefully add wealth energies to the house. Your creativity is given free rein during a session of designing fountains together. In the process you can put your already acquired knowledge into practice and interesting projects often arise. Because just as every place has a heart centre there should also be an area where the power of water is activated.

As soon as the basic tools have been acquired, things start to get really exciting:

  • How does for example a hill or a high-rise building in the west of a building effect the Qi when the entrance is to the south-east?
  • How does the form of the mountain – classified by the four elements – enhance wealth or academic success?
  • Which kind of fountains should you recommend to your clients?
  • Which directions are most fortunate for the water to flow to your house? And what does the fire element-water look like?

All these interesting details, some of which can be ascertained by the use of the Lopan, also apply to the inside of a house and not, as generally assumed, only to the outside of a house.

Contents of the course:

  • Basic knowledge on how to handle water and mountain forms
  • Fortunate and less fortunate aspects, depicted by numerous illustrations
  • Landscape analysis of the Water and Mountain Dragons
  • Kinds of invigorating or stagnating waters and their effect on people
  • Forms of waterfalls, lakes, ponds, springs, streams, and rivers and their influence on our wealth
  • Diverse hill and mountain formations, which are suited as the backing of a house
  • Communication with water and mountains
  • How to use and activate the Waterdragon as a transmitter of information
  • Good fountain design for the interior and exterior of houses, which is beneficial to our Qi and wealth
  • Fountain design competition
  • Calculation of advantageous and disadvantageous ways in which the water supply and wastewater can flow
  • Advanced aspects of the Flying Stars (Lo'Shu) and the East-West System

Landscape Feng Shui and the Water and Mountain Dragons are the first and foremost important aspects to be considered when giving a professional Feng Shui consultation. This advanced training module offers all Feng Shui Consultants to gain additional expertise. Use the opportunity! 

In the evenings you can participate in optional group work - using your freshly won knowledge on your own house plans. In the mornings there is time to ask any resulting questions. In the breaks Master Jes Lim is available for your personal questions. Dr. Lim teaches in English with German translation.

The course takes place from 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m., each with a 30 minutes coffee break. The evenings are reserved for optional group works.

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