The Person

You wish to engage yourself more intensely in Feng Shui and would like to expand your knowledge?

We recommend the Correspondence Course of Qi-Mag Feng Shui, developed by our Grand Master Dr. Jes T. Y. Lim.


The Qi-Mag Feng Shui Foundation Courses as Correspondence Course


The particular class units are accompanied by a comprehensive DVD and a detailed handbook. Here is Dr. Lim's summary of the most important class units. The successful completion of the Correspondence Course will be certified by the Qi-Mag Institute.

  • Feng Shui 1 – Fundamental Feng Shui: 2 DVDs (190 minutes)
  • Feng Shui 2 – The three schools of Feng Shui: 2 DVDs (250 minutes)
  • Business Feng Shui – For successful business: 2 DVDs (190 minutes)


The DVDs contain the English and German original voices. You can choose between Dr. Lim's original voice (English) and the voice of his long-term interpreter Daniela Schenker (German).

Additionally, the training gives you personal work sheets. You are coached by a qualified Qi-Mag teacher who will always have advice for you.

The completion of the particular class units will be awarded with an original Qi-Mag certificate.

You are welcome to contact us directly, if you have any further questions about the Qi-Mag Feng Shui Correspondence Courses. For more information and applications, write to


Qi-Mag Feng Shui Consultant Training

Following the successful completion of the Qi-Mag Foundation Courses as Correspondence Course, you are able to begin the Qi-Mag Feng Shui Consultant Training, by Grand Master Dr. Lim, at any time.

A complete Feng Shui Consultant Training is not offered as a Correspondence Course. The reason: It is important that profound energetic relations be conveyed directly from the master to the student and that according personal activations can take place.

It is the only way to secure the excellent quality of the Qi-Mag Feng Shui Consultations.

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Feng Shui Grand-Master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim

Good health and the freedom of self-determination are the highest of goods to him. He therefore dedicates his life to make the teachings of Feng Shui, geomancy, and alternative medicine more accessible for people.